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Retail Analytics

Collect customers behavior in your store to optimize routing/product display and identify the hot-spot in the store while simultaneously analyzing your customer’s reaction in real time.

What Is It?

Analyze and pull meaningful insights from your customers behavioral data.

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Collect it

Collect information from in-store sensors and your CCTV, and pre-analyze it with real-time video analysis tools.

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Foresee it

Thanks to AI and Deep Learning we develop a model to forecast in-store people pattern.

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Verify it

Verify and identify people’s behavioral pattern in the store to optimize product/promotion placement.



Collecting data on customers behaviour in physical retail
point in order to optimise in-store routing/product
display/hot-spot in-store identification while, at the same
time, analysing people behaviour and action/reaction in

What We Did

  • TB analysis of data collected from in-store CCTV
  • Development of an AI DeepLearning Model to analyse in-store people behaviour
  • Identification of people’s behavioural pattern in the store


Discover how our solution can facilitate your business processes.

Activate new marketing/proximity initiatives in-store

Enhance the path-to-purchase

Optimize your product display by considering in-store hot-spots